Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I have no freaking clue what to call this one.......

Me and Arnold had a deep conversation last night..... I heart my sissy! I love that we are the same page about all the important things in life, things like child rearing (ha ha ha rear), political issues, human rights issues, mens killing, and dog stuffing.....

Last night I told Clark that I want to have my dog stuffed and placed by the fire place for the rest of eternity when he dies. I want to dress him up like an elf and take Christmas Card pictures with him. I want to carry him to my bedroom at night and lay him on the floor to sleep like he does now, only if he's dead and stuffed I can put him in pajamas that match mine. Clark is a tool..... So, I turned to Arnold, she gets me, and for that I loves her.

I told you she gets me.....

Then, THEN I was watching Dance Moms and Abbey got her dead dog stuffed. Abbey Lee FUCKING Miller had Broadway Baby stuffed. If that mean lady can stuff her dog, why can't I? I was surprised that it was actually a "thing" though. So I ran to tell Clark all about Abbey and Broadway Baby and he was all like "Yeah, but she's not going to dress it up, and carry it around, and take pictures of it....And then hump the damn thing" I never once said that I was going to hump my dead stuffed dog. I mean come on even I think that is pretty grody! We may have a random dance party, but no humping. I save that for Aliens and Storm Troopers. Every chick has her limits.

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